Labor law

Our specialized employment law expertise gives clients peace of mind in legal challenges.

Vad är arbetsrätt?

Arbetsrätt är ett centralt område inom juridiken som påverkar både arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Det handlar om att skapa rättvisa och balanserade villkor på arbetsplatsen genom tydliga regler och principer. Oavsett om det rör sig om anställningsavtal, arbetsmiljö eller hur uppsägningar hanteras, är arbetsrätten utformad för att skydda alla parters rättigheter och skyldigheter.

För arbetsgivare innebär detta att följa lagar som säkerställer en trygg och rättvis arbetsmiljö, medan arbetstagare får stöd och skydd mot orättvisa behandlingar och diskriminering. Genom att förstå och tillämpa arbetsrätt kan arbetsgivare bygga en positiv arbetsplatskultur, och arbetstagare kan känna sig trygga och respekterade i sina roller.

Arbetsrätten är därför avgörande för att upprätthålla en harmonisk och produktiv arbetsmiljö där alla känner sig rättvist behandlade och skyddade.

For employees

Are you worried about being made redundant or dismissed? Are you experiencing bullying, discrimination or other problems at work? Do you need professional help to secure your rights on issues related to dismissal, redundancy, working conditions or compensation?

Our experienced employment lawyers are at your disposal to provide qualified guidance and legal assistance. We have extensive experience in handling a wide range of labor law cases in most industries. Contact us for a free assessment of your situation. Below are some common cases that our lawyers help clients resolve on a daily basis.

Till arbetstagare

For employers

As specialists in employment law, a large part of our work focuses on representing self-employed persons, limited liability companies, groups, the state and county councils, and foundations in dismissal processes, negotiation and settlement processes, and in legal proceedings in district courts and the Labor Court.

At Rubinstein & Khoury Law Firm, we are always ready to help you with your challenges as an employer. We will pursue your case in court, but also always look for alternative solutions in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the parties involved.

Till arbetsgivare

Frequently asked questions in Labour law

Find answers to frequently asked questions about employment law and our service. Browse through to get clarity on everything from employment conditions to dismissals and much more. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact us for personalized advice and support

What is the difference between dismissal for personal reasons and redundancy?

Dismissal on personal grounds usually occurs when the employer considers that the employee can no longer perform his or her job satisfactorily for various reasons, such as poor performance or long-term illness. Dismissal, on the other hand, is a more drastic measure used when an employee is guilty of serious misconduct, such as theft or threatening colleagues.

How does a dismissal due to lack of work work?

In the event of a redundancy due to lack of work, the employer must follow certain procedures and rules laid down by law and any collective agreements. This may include giving advance notice to the workers concerned, negotiating with trade unions, offering redeployment within the company if possible and ensuring that selection principles are followed if necessary.

What does a dismissal mean?

A dismissal is a form of redundancy that takes place immediately and without any notice period.


However, the employer must first notify the employee of the impending dismissal, and the employee has 7 days to request a hearing on the matter. If the employer follows through with the dismissal, it applies immediately.


Dismissal is used when an employee has committed serious misconduct such as theft, workplace violence or other serious breaches of company policy or the law.  

How does notice before dismissal work?

Notice is the period preceding a planned dismissal for personal reasons or dismissal for lack of work. In the case of notice of dismissal for personal reasons, the employee has 7 days to request a hearing on the matter.

During the notice period for redundancy for lack of work, the employer must inform employees that they are at risk of redundancy and enter into negotiations with trade unions on possible measures to avoid redundancy. The notice period may vary depending on legislation and collective agreements.

What happens if a health and safety crime is committed in the workplace?

If a health and safety offense is committed in the workplace, it can lead to serious consequences for the employer, such as fines or, in the worst case, imprisonment. Workers affected by a poor working environment have the right to report it to the Swedish Work Environment Authority and in some cases claim damages.

What can I do if I face discrimination at work?

If you experience discrimination in the workplace, you should first of all document the events and contact your employer or HR department to try to solve the problem internally. If this does not lead to the desired result, you can turn to trade unions or authorities for support and assistance. For further legal advice and support, you can also contact us for a free assessment of your case.

What does a reorganization mean and how does it affect me as an employee?

A reorganization is a change in a company's structure, organization or operations. It may involve staff reductions, redeployment or changes in tasks. As an employee, you may be affected by the risk of being made redundant, redeployed or having your working conditions changed.

Can I get compensation if I think my dismissal was unfair?

 Yes, if you believe that your dismissal was wrongful and that your employer breached a law or a contract, you may be entitled to compensation. It is important to gather evidence and, if necessary, seek the help of legal experts to assess your possibilities for compensation. Keep in mind that there is a statutory time limit, also known as the limitation period. The limitation period is the statutory period within which the right to bring an action for a particular legal claim may be time-barred or expire. In other words, if you do not act within the specified timeframe, you may lose your opportunity to obtain compensation. Therefore, it is important to contact us directly when you have been dismissed or dismissed, so that we can provide you with the necessary advice and representation to protect your rights and interests within the given timeframe.

What is involved in a court procedure for an employment law dispute?

If a dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation or mediation, a court process may be necessary. This means that the dispute will be brought before a court where both parties will have the opportunity to present their arguments and evidence. The court will then make a decision based on the information available and the applicable laws and rules.